While the journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step, you do need to be moving in the right direction. And when correcting sagittal alignment, being on the right trajectory is crucial—while not being on target can result in downstream effects such as pain, weakness, and numbness.
Measurements Matter
Measure comes from the word, “mesuren,” meaning “to exercise moderation.”1 Caution being an indispensable part of the surgical experience, as physicians formulate a surgical plan, they are best served by using the most accurate measurements possible.
For years, it has been known that sagittal misalignment is related to more disability and reduced quality of life.2 With recent research indicating that even in short-segment lumbar fusion, there is a correlation between sagittal alignment and short- and long-term clinical outcomes,3 surgeons—and patients—deserve the most reliable assessment tool.
One of the primary “culprits” when it comes to sagittal imbalance is the difference between the pelvic incidence (PI) and lumbar lordosis (LL). Calculated as PI-LL (PI minus LL), the PI-LL mismatch is a measure of spinopelvic alignment that serves as a proxy for full spine sagittal alignment measurements which quantify the placement of the patient's center of mass over the anatomical structures carrying that load.
From Data to Decision
Armed with Wenzel Spine’s Profile-ESP, spine surgeons have the most up-to-date tool for motion and alignment analysis. Capturing over 60 data points, Profile-ESP delivers two reports that detail sagittal alignment, disc height, and bending effort. The Profile-ESP report even provides customizable “red-flag” alerts for key measures such as when the PI-LL mismatch exceeds the clinically relevant threshold.
Facilitated through a secure PACS-to-PACS connection, the reports are available in less than 24 hours—and they are seamlessly integrated into the clinical process. With such a reliable tool, preoperative patient consults and decision making can also be more seamless than ever.
Sagittal alignment is important not only for the surgical procedure itself, but also for the long-term health and quality of life of the patient. By using tools like Wenzel Spine's Profile-ESP, surgeons can make more informed decisions and create a personalized surgical plan that takes into account the unique alignment of each patient.